I cracked up at the end, to be continued, you got all the main chars from ur previous flash stuff, hehe nice one Cal.
I cracked up at the end, to be continued, you got all the main chars from ur previous flash stuff, hehe nice one Cal.
yeah was arite
music made this flash cool. and I agree with the previous commenter, may God bless all of you, In Jesus mighty name.
lol -.-
hey dude
that was an awesome flash, but make sure you get the next one up and going coz I can see this movie has a lot of potential, as long as you can get it to make sense, so I say, do your best, and God will do the rest my friend :)
Anime Pat On The Move zegt:
Impossible, nothing is impossible
Anime Pat On The Move zegt:
as long as you have God on your side
Calum thought so too^^
what was in your head in the process of making this movie??
well - i first thought, if a man was travelling at speeds in excess of 50,000,000,000mph, then he would be travelling above the speed of light, then i got 2 eggs and sugar and concocted my greatest formula yet MUAHAHAH! and now im in jamaica!
I didn't understand that! lol come on, we know you can do much better than that.
lol this movie is a piece of shit =D
but i have alot of movies because of pieces of shit like this!
theres a time when you go over the line when putting random themes into your cartoon, this is just... ghkivfv. Anyway, I was like.. whatt!!! over 25 k views! lol hey listen dude, When I get back into the saddle and start the flash stuff again, lets get together and do an ngbg oritey? but now now, I'll e-mail you when I'm erady. cheers.
yesh! i would loove to battle you!
i would loove for johnathan to kick amanos ass!!!
over 25,000 views, cuz of its name + the perverted 12 year olds on this site
i like to annoy people with my movies =)
but i cannot wait teh battle j00
dude, I'm at a library for 3 hours so I'm gonna watch all the cartoons I missed out on :D. this one is just funny! made me crack up at the end. was definately worth my time, I think I might watch it again. Ciao.
this has gotta be one of my most mad ideas, i found the song and though... FLASH TIME
well you didnt review them all anyway :/
Sydney, Australia
Joined on 3/10/04