that was cool.
That was really funny at the start.
I didn't laugh so much to be honest, but it had its good points. Sure thats good and all that shows how dumb humanity is, but thats thinking anglican wise :) We are children of the Most high, what? Most High!? yes. It is us that choose not to believe it.
Your words:
Christians are amusing. They band together in great anger to protest many things, instead of coming together as one humanity, and expressing love for their fellow living beings. Then they firebomb buildings and snipe their "enemies", hiding in the shadows like cowards.
Do you really know what Christianity is? because we do express love, and I'm afraid if you don't see it, then look harder. You honestly believe that those who firebomb buildings and snipe their enemies, and hide in the shadows like cowards are really Christian? Seriously, Jesus tells us to love our enemies, and those who don't follow upon the word of God is not Christian, but that doesn't mean we reject those who don't follow Christ, not at all. We love you guys so much we want to preech the word of the lord for your salvation. God is love, those who don't act upon love aren't Christianlike, theres a huge difference between being religious... and having a relationship with Jesus. It reminds me of the story of the crusaders, they were killing people in the name of Jesus, but the Bible says do not murder, I suppose what they were trying to do is to getting rid of sin by sinning lol. That's just stupidly contradictory, and don't let stories like those turn you off Christianity, even us Christians say that the crusaders weren't acting Christianlike.
I didn't intentionally want to offend you in any way, thats not what I'm here for, but if your finding this offensive, then harden up princess :)